Money Money Money


Posted by DanVanGogh | Posted in | Posted on Friday, December 25, 2009

This has nothing to do with Shadow Priest but everything to do with Gold. We need gold to buy new spells, lvl professions and overal allow us to get what we want when we want it. Unfortunatly, getting gold is a BIG PAIN IN THE ASS in WOW. Really! I would rather pull my hair out and scream at Lego Blocks than farm, but is the cost of doing buisness I guess!

Anyway I found this site awhile ago and I might as well share it.

This site gives some pretty good tips on making money in wow, some are creative others more banal but oh well. Have fun with it use it and abuse its advice!

Peace out, Arg I mean BLING BLING BLING!

Comments (1)

  1. December 25, 2009 at 7:19 PM

    Just so you know the information on these pages are mostly for BC content. However you can use the information here and work with it and modify it to meet your WOTLK needs. If your in a big older server the information in these pages are still valid!