Shadow Priest Talent overview


Posted by DanVanGogh | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, October 18, 2009
This is a link to what is probably one of the more used Builds for Shadow Priest. I’ll got through it and I will talk little bit about when you grabs these.

 Spirit Tap: This gives you a little bump in spirit after killing something that gives xp. Starting out you might as well get this. Not a super great Talent now, but you will use it later.

Darkness: You know what you’re a Shadow priest, SO I actually like this talent and I use this talent. I say Max it out for 10% uptick in DPS

Shadow Affinity: Pass!!! Not a talent I think should be taken. Sounds great, but if your going to be grouping with a really don’t need the reduced threat. And once you get shadowform your already going to get your threat reduced. Pas Pas and pas

ISW:P: you will use this so you might as well get it
Shadow Focus: I like to put in around 2 in here and then come back and fill it out. Helps other classes too. Win win

IMP Psychic Scream: Its all about reducing time that you can use fear and if your interested in getting silence. I think its worth it, but make sure you have Mind Flay first

IMP Mind Blast: I put these points in slowly, starting out it will eat up you mana to just use it once, in most battles your not going to be using it again anyway. Put in 1 or 2 up to a max of 3 or 4. Not worth getting it completely maxed out. Just my thoughts

Mind Flay: yes a good talent finally. Get it use it abuse it! A great trick with mind flay is to psychic scream, then as they are running away in fear mind flay mind flay mind flay.

Veiled Shadow: not something you need right away. Shadow Reach and Shadow Weaving are both way better at eailer lvls.

Shadow Reach: Get it, basically it makes us use 2 talent points to do what it should to anyway….but you need it

Shadow weaving: I like this talent, adds to the DPS so max this as soon as you can

Silence: Mostly a situational spell, but it does make lvling easier and I love putting this on mages in battlegrounds. Get it if you want it

VE: Again I like this ability but it starts out lame. Passively heals based off your damage. For you its great for everyone else its just a tease. But over longer fights the damage can add up. I like it so get it!

IMP VE: Read above…just make the spell way more useful
Focused mind: I like to put in 2 and then come back later and fill it out. Reduces mana cost of your main damage spells. Win win

Mind Melt: Get it later, doesn’t do much at early lvls, increases crit. More useful when battles get longer.

IMP DP: Finally we have damage on arrival spells. I like this because I use the hell out of DP. Get it but if you can try to get shadow form first before maxing this out.

ShadowForm: makes us a purple killing machine. Get it enjoy it abuse it

Shadow Power: get it later as its not that useful now. Get improved shadowform

IMP ShadowForm: Get it might as well.

Psychic Horror: I’m on the fence with this one. I say you already have psychic scream so this is just another version of it. Personally I would rather use it somewhere else than put anymore talents on a revamped psychic scream. Pas

VT: you know when I first got this I hated it. The mana regen on it is way lame. But then you look at the damage it does, the damage it does if dispelled it’s a great spell. Plus if you have other people in your group they will love getting back any mana…even if the amount is only like 5% of their mana. In long fights that number may jump up to 20% of mana rejuv. Get it use it abuse it
Pain and suffering: I like this spell prevents us from having to cast the same spell twice or more. Just be aware that it only refreshes based on when you used it the first time. So try to make sure that you have your shadow weaving at atleast 3 or 4 when you cast SW:P for max DPS.

Twisted Faith: I like this. It passively stacks with your bumps from your mind flay and mind blast benefits.

Dispersion: again when I got this I though it sucked. Really only 6 seconds!?!?!? I don’t use this so much as a “oh Shit” button but more just to get back 33% of my mana if I’m low…I like it and it’s the bottom of the tree get it use it abuse it….YOUR SHADOW BBBEEEAAATCH!!

Talents to get in the Discipline Tree

Unbreakable will: Really its not a bad talent, but you would be better off using them other places. And since we only have 14 talents to spare here Pass it…Pas

Twin Disciplines: I like this, to be real you will be using holy spells from time to time, at least on yourself a bit. So get this and max it

Silent Resolve: Not using holy and not using a lot of Discipline spells, Pass this…Pas
IMP Inner Fire: increases your inner fire buffs. At first it doesn’t seem like much but the 45% in effectiveness is great. Max this….remember your inner fire also increases your spell power!

Improved PW: Fortitude: lame talent but the other choices are lamer

Martyrdom: good if we were more of a healer…which we aren’t so pass this…Pas

Meditation: Max this, this makes us have the sprit what we should have started the game with…Try to get here as soon as you can but I mean I didn’t even start putting in talents into dis until I was around 40-45. You’ll like this, but get shadowform first

Inner Focus: This is a great ability. Gives us a free spell every 3 mins. I use this on casting Mind Blast or SW:P after shadow weaving stacks. This is as far as you need or should get in this tree.

This is my thought on talents for a great Shadow Priest experience. If you want more detail on the builds just visit the wowwiki webside. I’m not board nuff to type it out again for you.

Comments (1)

  1. October 18, 2009 at 10:57 PM

    Back to meditation, dont put points in to dis until lvl 45..get shadowform first!!!